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Sundays at 9:30AM & 11AMSeries: Journey through God’s Word
February Messages
Date: 2/16/25
Message:Listen and know
Foundational Scripture: Numbers 17- 20
Message Scripture: Numbers 20:6-12
Lessons from Numbers 20:
- Listen to God
- Think about what is being said
- Who is saying what
- Why is it important
- What is the motive
- Does it help or hurt
- Do what is best and right
- So we have to know what God says
- We also have to look for the benefit
- We have to trust God more than ourselves
“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Ps.20:4
- Honor God
Our actions and decisions must be rooted in trust, obedience, and a desire to honor God rather than ourselves. When we choose to truly listen, think before we react, and seek His will, we can avoid the costly mistakes that come from acting on impulse and emotion.

Date: 2/16/25
Message:Listen and know
Foundational Scripture: Numbers 17- 20
Message Scripture: Numbers 20:6-12
ICEBREAKER: Of all of the miracles that we have seen occur during Moses’ life so far, which do you find most fascinating?
- It is clear that Moses did not fully obey God by striking the rock with the staff rather than speaking to it as he was instructed to. Because of this, He was not able to enter the promised land. We can learn from Moses that, in the same way, believers need to be intentional about seeking to fully live out the will of the Lord and listening to His commands (being a follower rather than a fan). What are other principles you have learned from the life of Moses in our reading so far?
- A point from the sermon was “Just because we know it, doesn’t mean we do it. It has to be a decision of the will”. There have probably been some Spiritual disciplines such as reading the Bible, praying, service, or solitude/meditation that we may find to be more difficult in terms of consistency than others. How are you able to fight the temptation of slothfulness and create habits of deepening your faith?
- James 1:19 says that we should be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry”. Moses did more than what God commanded him because he acted out of emotion. Has there been a time that you wish you took a second to compose yourself before acting based solely on your feelings? How can you prevent this from happening?
- “If you wish to know God, you must know His Word. If you wish to perceive His power, you must see how He works by His Word. If you wish to know His purpose before it comes to pass, you can only discover it by His Word” (Charles Spurgeon). How does this quote relate to the message?
- The entire reason that Moses had to bring water from the rock and inquire of the Lord was because of the Israelites’ complaints and lack of trust in God’s provision. How can we be sure to be more intentional about gratitude for God’s blessings, even in the valleys?
Fecha: 16/02/25
Mensaje: Escuche y sepa
Palabras fundamentales: Números 17-20
Palabras del mensaje: Números 20:6-12
ROMPEHIELOS: De todos los milagros que hemos visto ocurrir durante la vida de Moisés hasta ahora, ¿cuál le parece más fascinante?
Está claro que Moisés no obedeció completamente a Dios al golpear la roca con la vara en lugar de hablarle como se le había indicado. Debido a esto, no pudo entrar en la tierra prometida. Podemos aprender de Moisés que, de la misma manera, los creyentes deben ser intencionales en cuanto a buscar vivir plenamente la voluntad del Señor y escuchar sus mandamientos (ser un seguidor en lugar de un fanático). ¿Qué otros principios ha aprendido de la vida de Moisés en nuestra lectura hasta ahora?
Un punto del sermón fue “Solo porque lo sabemos, no significa que lo hagamos. Tiene que ser una decisión de la voluntad”. Probablemente haya habido algunas disciplinas espirituales, como leer la Biblia, orar, servir o estar en soledad/meditación, que nos resulten más difíciles en términos de consistencia que otras. ¿Cómo puedes luchar contra la tentación de la pereza y crear hábitos para profundizar tu fe?
Santiago 1:19 dice que debemos ser “prontos para escuchar, tardos para hablar y tardos para airarnos”. Moisés hizo más de lo que Dios le ordenó porque actuó impulsado por la emoción. ¿Ha habido alguna ocasión en la que desearías haberte tomado un segundo para recomponerte antes de actuar basándote únicamente en tus sentimientos? ¿Cómo puedes evitar que esto suceda?
“Si deseas conocer a Dios, debes conocer Su Palabra. Si deseas percibir Su poder, debes ver cómo obra por Su Palabra. Si deseas conocer Su propósito antes de que se cumpla, solo puedes descubrirlo por Su Palabra” (Charles Spurgeon). ¿Cómo se relaciona esta cita con el mensaje?
La razón por la que Moisés tuvo que sacar agua de la roca y consultar al Señor fue por las quejas de los israelitas y su falta de confianza en la provisión de Dios. ¿Cómo podemos estar seguros de ser más intencionales en cuanto a la gratitud por las bendiciones de Dios, incluso en los valles?